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住房抵押貸款是包括任何以住房財產(即一至四套住房)作為抵押的個人貸款。房屋淨值信貸額度(HELOC),權益貸款和其他以住宅物業為抵押目的的產品, 用於購買,裝修和再融資,但貸款額度不超過房屋購買價格或評估價值的80%,並通過分期償還抵押貸款的方式購買物業。

  1. 僅提供浮動利率;利率通常基於高於或低於基本貸款利率的固定溢價。
  2. 最長36個月的開放式抵押貸款:客戶有權利行使選擇權,包括償還部分本金,全額償還抵押貸款並轉換為新的期限,儘管不必支付利息罰款客戶通常支付較高的利率。
  3. 提供期限在1到5年內的封閉式抵押貸款:客戶具有年度限額預付本金特權,根據完整的周年(而非日曆年),每年最多累計償還本金的20%,但如果累計償還本金超出20%, 則需要交罰金2%。.
  • 可證明收入和職業穩定,具有較好信譽和良好支付能力的人。
  • 親自或通過我們認可的抵押貸款經紀人在我們任何一家分行進行申請。
  • 兩個有效的身份證明,收入證明文件(最近2年),物業的購買協議,信用報告,過去2年的稅單(NOA),附帶有遠期支票或銀行對帳單的租賃協議,房產評估等。
  • Question #1: With the changes to the Bank of Canada interest rates and consequently CTBC Bank’s Prime Rate, how does it affect my Variable Rate Mortgage?
  • Response: For the majority of our CTBC Bank mortgage accounts where the monthly payment was calculated with the Straight-Line Amortization Method (ie: equal principal payment plus accrued interest), the monthly payment is automatically adjusted but since the payment has likely increased you will need to make sure you have sufficient funds to cover the upcoming payment. For accounts that were calculated with the Blended/Traditional Amortization Method (ie: Fixed Payment), your payment will not change unless the updates to prime rate causes the variable rate on your mortgage to reach the Trigger Rate or the existing payment is not enough to cover the accrued interest. It should be noted in the case your interest rate increases but the regular payment remains, a greater portion of your monthly payment goes toward interest and less towards the mortgage principal. As a result, this can possibly extend your original amortization period and thus your mortgage will be paid at a later date then originally scheduled. However, upon maturity, should you decide to renew your mortgage with CTBC Bank, the payments will be adjusted and the original amortization schedule will be restored.
  • Question #2:  How do I know if my mortgage is based on either the Straight-Line or Blended Method?
  • Response: In simple terms, with the Straight-Line method, since the payment is based on an equal Principal plus accrued interest per month, every payment made will vary month to month. On the other hand, for the Blended method, your regular payment is the same amount every month. If you are still unsure of your payment arrangement, please feel free to contact one of our local CTBC Bank branches who will gladly assist you.
  • Question #3: The Variable rate on my Mortgage has reached the trigger point or my regular payment is not enough to cover the accrued interest, what’s next?
  • Response: Should either one of these scenarios arise or it is closely approaching, an adjustment will be made to your monthly payment to rectify the issue and a member our CTBC Bank family will be in contact to notify you of the situation and provide further details. Contact will be made either via Phone, e-mail or mail. Formal confirmation of the modified payment will be sent in the mail.
  • Question #4: Given the possible changes to my account, what will happen to my mortgage at maturity?
  • Response: As a valuable customer to our CTBC Bank family, at maturity, should you decide to pursue a renewal with us and your account continues to meet our current requirements & you have not received any notification otherwise (ie: Non-Renewal), we will gladly consider providing you with our current renewal options & your payments will be re-adjusted with the rate offered at that time and to restore the original amortization schedule. Please note, the re-adjustment of your payments may lead to a significant increase so it is important to keep that in mind when making your informed decisions.
  • Question #5: I have concerns about my adjusted payments, are there other options for me?
  • Response: Given the fluid nature of variable rate mortgages, the Bank understands the uncertainty can be stressful. If you have any questions or concerns about your current mortgage arrangement, please feel free to contact one of our local CTBC Bank branches who will gladly assist you.
  • Question #6: I still have other questions regarding Variable Rate Mortgages, where can I find additional information?
  • Response: The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) website is your best resource to gather further information to make an informed decision. The links are provided below
*DISCLAIMER:  Although we make every effort to ensure its accuracy, the information contained in this FAQ is presented in summary fashion, for your convenience only.  Your actual legal rights and obligations are set out in the documentation provided to you at the time funds were advanced under your mortgage. In the case of any ambiguity or conflict between those documents and the information in this FAQ, your mortgage documents will govern.








加幣, 美金

  1. 僅提供浮動利率,並且每天計算利息。
  2. 客戶可以將房屋或投資組合中的權益作為抵押,以較低的利率獲得較高的信用額度。
  3. 最高擔保信用額度為凈資產價值的 65%, 其他抵押品 +/- 65%。
  4. 該產品需要年度審核,以監控使用情況。
  5. 償還本金和利息後,無需重新申請。.
  6. ​靈活的還款計劃,儘管銀行會決定每月的最低還款額,但您可以隨時償還任何本金而不會受到罰款,以最大程度地減少您的利息支出。
  • 可證明收入和職業穩定,具有較好信譽和良好支付能力的人。
  • 親自或通過我們認可的抵押貸款經紀人在我們任何一家分行進行申請。
  • 兩個有效的身份證明,收入證明文件(最近2年),該物業的購買協議,信用報告,過去2年的稅單(NOA),帶有過期支票或銀行對帳單的租賃協議,房產評估等。

如需更多資訊, 歡迎來電查詢:

分行 地址 營業時間

2799 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6H 3J1

(604) 683-3882


9am - 5pm PST


120-5911 No.3 Road, Richmond, B.C. Canada V6X 0K9

(778) 234-8700


9am - 5pm PST


105-4501 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. Canada V5H 0E5

(604) 437-3868


9am - 5pm PST


28-505 Highway 7 East, Markham, ON Canada L3T 7T1

(905) 418-8869


9am - 5pm EST







如有任何疑問,請隨時與我們聯繫。 我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。


每個人的需求不同。 我們的銀行帳戶目標在滿足您的目標。